Eligible Risks only in Florida:
- 1 - 50 attorney firms (all levels of experience will be considered)
Features and Highlights:
- Broad definition of Legal Services including: expert witness, notary, title, lobbyist, mediator and member of bar or similar ethics committee
- Claims Expenses Outside the Limit (CEOL), first dollar defense, and mutual selection of counsel are available to qualified firms
- Privacy breach investigation coverage up to $25,000 to respond to regulatory inquires
- Up to 50% deductible reduction with use of formal mediation is available
- Disciplinary Proceedings Coverage defense with $10,000 per proceeding and a $20,000 aggregate
- Defense of Network breach & Privacy Claims $25,000
- Loss of earnings coverage up to $500 per day
- Subpoena assistance up to $25,000
- Automatic 60 day extending reporting period (ERP) and longer ERP options available including options for individual attorneys, retirement and death
Limits and Deductibles:
- Up to $5 million limits with various deductible options (higher limits may be available to qualifying firms)